c e l e r y   l e a f . . .

Celery Leaf
Celery Leaf
Minimum 60 Celery Leaf Seeds
Celery Leaf£1.25


  • Aromatic, tasty leaves
  • Makes an attractive plant in the border
  • Easy to grow

Celery leaf is so much easier to grow than ordinary celery; you get all the taste, without any of the hassle!  Also known as cutting celery, celery leaf looks very similar to flat leaf parsley and has a stronger taste than celery stalks.  It is a biennial, meaning it will flower and produce seeds in the second year, although it is normally grown as an annual, for the abundance of foliage it produces in the first year.

Sowing Instructions

Sow: for best results, sow your celery leaf seeds in pots or trays in the greenhouse or on a window sill, from late March to June.  Sow very thinly on the surface of damp compost.  Harden off seedlings prior to planting out in full sun or partial shade in the herb garden, vegetable patch or flower border.  Celery leaf is also ideally suited to being grown in containers or window boxes.

Aftercare: Thin out seedlings, if required, making sure you use the delicious baby leaves.  Keep watered in dry conditions.

Harvest: from July to October, as a cut and come again plant, by snipping the outer leaves off at the base.  This encourages the plant to continue to grow new leaves from the centre.


Young tender leaves are delicious added sparingly to salads and also make attractive garnishes.  Chopped leaves are used to season soups and stews.  Try whizzing some in the blender with a little water and freezing in ice cube trays for a year round supply.

herb seeds - celery leaf seeds - par-cel seeds - parcel seeds

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